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Customer Lifetime Value
The Complete Guide to CLV
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About CLV
What is CLV?
Benefits of CLV
CLV and Brand Equity
Customer Profitabilty vs CLV
What is Customer Equity?
CLV Formulas
Simple CLV Formula
When to Use the Simple CLV Formula
For/Against of the Simple CLV formula
Main CLV Formula
Example CLV Calculation
Existing Customer CLV Formula
Formula for Existing vs new customers
The CLV Equation
Calculating WOM in CLV
Why use WOM in CLV
Calculating CLV for Banks
Customer Revenues
Increasing Revenue Over Time
Word-of-mouth Benefits
Customer Costs
Acquisition cost formula & examples
Examples of Acquisition Costs
Calculating WOM in CLV
Lapsed customers
Retention Costs
Retention Cost Formula
Acquisition vs Retention Costs
Retention Rate to Lifetime Period
Retention rate over time
From retention rate to average lifetime period
Customer lifetime with a changing retention rate
Retention rate should increase over time
CLV beyond 5 years
Does the average lifetime period make sense?
The Leaky Bucket Theory
Maximize CLV
Ways to Increase Revenues
Key Marketing Goals
Increasing the Lifetime Period
Balance and Budgets
Word-of-mouth value
The Leaky Bucket Theory
CLV or Marketing ROI?
Financial Issues
Financial Metrics
CLV better than Marketing ROI?
A maximum CLV period?
Lapsed or new customers?
Reconciling CLV with Total Profits
Discount Rates
Role of the Discount Rate
What Discount Rate to Use?
Using Different Discount Rates
Quick CLV Calculator
Full CLV Calculator
Customer Equity
What is Customer Equity?
Calculating Customer Equity: Free Excel Template
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)
Free CLV Template
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